These delicious treats are an adaptation of a recipe from Madeleine Shaw's marvellous cookbook Get the Glow. I've substituted the cherries for coconut and rolled them into snowballs ~ feel free to mix and match the ingredients to suit your taste buds. Not only are these bursting with flavour, they're also jam packed with calcium / iron / vitamin c / magnesium thanks to the superfood cacao.
6 ingredients. 15 min prep. Serves 6.
Ingredients: 100g almond butter, 100g coconut oil, 50g raw cacao powder, 100g honey, 1tsp vanilla extract, 50g desiccated coconut & a pinch of sea salt.
Recipe: Chuck all ingredients in the food processor - beginning with the coconut oil and almond butter. Mould into balls and place on a coconut-oil greased tin. Pop in the freezer for 30mins. Surreptitiously eat one, *cough* just to check they're not poisonous, then transfer into the fridge. Eat to your heart's content.
If you fancy learning more about Maddy and her divine concoctions, here's a post I wrote after attending her event at Whole Foods last May.