Tuesday 19 December 2017

We'll Eat You Up. We Love You So.

Throughout my creative writing degree I focused heavily on children's fiction, a subject I'm very passionate about. It's almost the big day so here are some unconventional books to buy the little nippers in your life:

An awesome visual feast of the evolution of story telling from cave men to present day. Celebrating the powerful unity that sharing stories brings.

A gentle introduction to kids about race and how we're all part of one family, the human race.

These are ace to have on the coffee table and wait for visitor's reactions. These are some firm crowd pleasers. If you'll pardon the pun.

Part of the baby university collection ~ start 'em young!

A conversation starting book that anthropomorphises the word yes ~ No makes for a rather convincing baddie.

An empowering book encouraging courage and praising the small wins of growing just a little bit older.