Saturday 5 January 2019

Blue Moon

As I've only been living in Canada for a couple months, the novelty of the immense snowfalls hasn't worn off yet and I hope it never will. I was however gobsmacked when the IG stories of my Corfiot friends was flooded with the unlikely visitor of snow on the island ~ supposedly for the first time since 1988!

How about that, ey? The first snow in Corfu during my lifetime just so happens to fall the winter I move to Canada. Whilst growing up on the island, my dad owned a jewellery shop for many decades and I am still friends with the daughter of the man who owned the toy shop opposite. This morning my dear Nikolina shared this delightful shot from her balcony which overlooks where my dad's shop was ~ heart bursting! It soon made its rounds on the family group chat <3

S/o ig stories and reunited long-lost friends!