Thursday 21 March 2019

Me, Myself & Marmite

My first winter in Canada - albeit magnificent - has seemed never ending. It may not be the longest I've ever been away from the UK, but it certainly is the furthest. To combat homesickness I've been making Nigella's criminally easy yet scrumptious marmite spaghetti. It's also been quite the crowd-pleaser as Marmite hasn't really caught on yet in North America.

Ace for a naughty treat, any fellow homesick expats or simply for lining your stomach before a big night out. It's like dipping mini cheddars in your brew, don't knock it until you try it!

Fun fact: airports in the UK have begun selling adorable mini tubs of Marmite as they realised it was the number 1 confiscated item at customs!