Friday 24 July 2015

6 Tips For Catching Zzz's

Every now and again I get into the rut of being nocturnal. It's usually triggered by a looming deadline, element of my life that's irking me or a really good book. Here are some tips that always help me when I'm snoozy and struggling to drift off, they may sound basic, but trust me - the witching hour can leave you feeling topsy turvy.

1) Aromatherapy
On restless nights, my first port of call is massaging this sleep balm into my temples, palms and just under my nose. The wonderful blend of lavender and bergamot is incredibly soothing - as I've also been using it for just shy of a year, it also triggers something within me letting my body know it's time to snooze!

A lavender pillow mist is your best friend - trust me on this! A cracking eye cream - particularly one you keep in the fridge, like this Garnier one - always goes down a treat in switching your mind to night mode!

2) Pop the kettle on!
It wouldn't be right for a Brit to not mention having a brew! Seriously these two in particular ooze sleepy vibes - there's something so cosy and soporific about a mug of tea! If you're a herbal tea novice, the idea is to reach for anything chamomile based.

3) Rub a dub dub!
Sometimes a bubble bath is the answer and is the ultimate way to unwind after a long day - bonus points for a glass of red and Norah Jones' greatest hits cd on in the background!

4) Meditate
Sorry to be hippy-dippy, but I'm a firm believer in this old zen adage: 
"You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day - unless you're too busy; then you should sit for an hour." Try to mentally shift your to-do list to tomorrow and make peace that the day is over.

5) Light a candle
If your problem is that your mind is cluttered, light a candle and focus on the flame. When you are concentrating on its flickering wick, your problems will flit away one by one.

6) Drown out the world
When all else fails, reach for your eye mask, earplugs or earphones. Some of my friends rave about how audio books help them drift off - I'd recommend Stephen Fry reading the Philosopher's Stone. Try not to listen to it on your phone as you may be constantly distracted by your social media platforms and inbox buzzing - dig out your ancient ipod!

If you have any other tricks for night owls, feel free to share them below!