Friday 4 September 2015

There's No Place Like Home

Good Morning Petals,

It's been a while since we've sat down and had a good chinwag, so I thought I'd fill you in on my recent escapades - well, I'll keep it PG. I've just returned from two months in Corfu where I spent the summer at my yiayia's exploring, swimming and catching up with old friends. I go most summers and feel incomplete if I don't, there's something so nostalgic and magnetic about the island. As my lifestyle is quite nomadic, I've always believed that home isn't a place, it's a feeling. Corfu is the ignition.

I thought I'd share some photos I took this summer at my yiayia's house.
I daydream about Corfu and everything is alright.

Camera: Nikon S8000

This chirpy family of nesting swallows were my alarm for eight weeks! 

I LOVE this early noughties advert about a composer with writer's block getting a hint of inspiration from a flock of birds on his telephone wire ~ always cheers me up and reminds me of the very birds in this photograph!

Somewhere between Calabria and Corfu, the blue really begins - Prospero's Cell, Lawrence Durrell

If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden - The Secret Garden


Favola mou 

Taken whilst our blue moon / Elvis party was in full swing.

Taken on a trip to Tatooine ;-) 

It's no coincidence that these were all taken at my yiayia's house - her home has a spellbinding energy which always inspires me to write/create art. Perhaps the mountain behind it has mystical powers, at least that's what I thought when I was little. Cheers to the white house on the hill that holds the key to my childhood!

Home is where you can drink wine from a goblet and The Drifters are always blaring.

Home is where embarrassing family photos are stored in a hat box.

Home is where your reading and writing nook are the same spot.

Home is where Daphne du Maurier keeps you cool on sweltering summer nights.

Home is where your neighbours tortoise, Speedy Gonzales, escapes to your garden for the afternoon.

Home is where the paintings on the wall look a little familiar and the signed names ring a bell.

Home is where your HP collection will always be waiting for you.

Home is where you collect sage from the garden for your morning brew.

Home is where oranges/lemons/kumquats/figs/apples are never too far away.

If you want to learn what someone fears losing, watch what they photograph. — Unknown

I'm head over heels in love with the island and counting down the seconds until I'm home again, whenever that will be. Hometown Glory by Adele (albeit dedicated to London) always resonates with me and leaves me aching for Greece.

Where do you consider to be 'home'?

P.S: I know this post won't be everyone's cup of tea and is a little off beat, but these shades of blue and green will keep me warm in the winter - we all need something to look forward to.

P.P.S: This episode of Charmed was next up on my flight back to Blighty, how fitting ;-)